Archery Canada Archery Canada


Update on national archery events

March 18, 2020
Update on national archery events

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve in Canada and around the world, there a number of significant and unique challenges we are being presented with. Archery Canada and its Member Associations regard the health, safety and well-being of our participants (archers, coaches, officials and volunteers) as our highest priority. Together we can all do our part.

Many Club and Provincial events that had been planned this spring have been cancelled. Looking forward toward the summer, Archery Canada will continue to take the advice of local and federal government bodies to make informed decisions. At this time, we have not made any decisions on the postponement or cancellation of events that have been planned for June or July. We will continue to monitor the situation and will update our community as soon as possible if anything changes ensuring we follow the appropriate public health guidelines when considering all potential outcomes.

We are in touch with the hosts for both the 2020 Canada Cup West and the 2020 Outdoor Canadian Championships, and a decision has been taken for the opening of registration for both events will be delayed until April 15th, though this may be adjusted as information becomes available. It is recommended that until further notice, potential registrants should wait before finalizing their travel arrangements for this summer.

We are aware that the current Indoor Mailmatch has been impacted by the evolving restrictions that have been recommended or imposed in some Provinces and cities in efforts to keep the infection curve flat. For many clubs, they have not been able to complete the minimum 6 shoots for score submission. For this reason, the Archery Canada events sub-committee have decided to consider the Mailmatch complete as of March 15th, and will use the average of the top 4 scores. Club Mailmatch coordinators will have until March 30 to submit all final scores on behalf of their club.

The Outdoor Mailmatch, which is set to begin across Canada on June 1, will at this time proceed, though clubs should follow guidelines for outdoor activities as these become available. Archery Canada will continue to provide updates on our website at

Find out more on our Covid-19 Updates page for up to date information and decisions.