Archery Canada Centre of Excellence opens 2023 season with recurve selection trials for World Championships

CAMBRIDGE, ON – Moyer’s Landing, the site of the Archery Canada Centre of Excellence, has opened for the 2023 outdoor season. Over the past weekend, archers and volunteers worked hard to get the site set up and ready.
The site will play host to twenty-three archers at the 2023 World Championships Recurve Selection Trials this coming weekend, which will help to select the team that will attend the World Archery Championships in Berlin in August. The trials will begin with official practice on Friday, and then move onto a qualifying round on Saturday morning. After that qualification round, the top twelve men and women advance to the elimination rounds. Team rounds and individual matchplay will wrap up the remainder of the weekend. The judges officiating this event are Kelly Chambers and Eric Fok, both national judges from Toronto. Ron van der Hoff, Interim National Coach Advisor, will run the event while Trevor Gibson will serve as the event’s Director of Shooting. The host hotel will be the Cambridge Hotel and Conference Centre.
“With a significant year, the World Championships and Pan Am Games ahead of us, it is very welcoming to now get outdoors and back onto the range at Moyer’s Landing,” comments Alan Brahmst, High Performance Director. “The City of Cambridge has been a fantastic support in allowing us to remain on schedule, open up the facility and groom the landscape. After a week of heavy rain, we are now looking forward to a good competition on the weekend with seasonal weather.”
Archery Canada would like to extend a thank you and acknowledgement to the City of Cambridge, who have been integral in helping to get the site ready for national-level shooting.
For more information, please contact:
Zoe Meil, Communications & Safe Sport Coordinator
(613) 260-2113 ext. 3