Archery Canada renews partnership with ASA

OTTAWA, ON – Following a successful summer with ASA Archery tours in both Alberta and Ontario, Archery Canada and ASA Archery are excited to announce the renewal of their partnership that began in early 2020. As an organization devoted to promoting all types of archery across the country, Archery Canada saw great collaboration with ASA over the last couple years and looks forward to seeing further exciting developments. The ASA has established itself as a leading force in the movement to bring 3D archery to the mainstream.
“The Archery Shooters Association is very proud to continue our affiliation with Archery Canada,” comments Michael Tyrell, President of ASA Archery. “In the last three years, we have worked together to expand 3D competition, in addition to their commitment to supporting all disciplines of archery. Over the last 25 years, ASA has had the pleasure of hosting many of Canada’s best archers. Our classes currently feature two of the very best; in Women’s Pro, Erin McGladdery from Saskatchewan, and in Known Pro, Chris Perkins from Ontario, who along with many others, are showcasing the archery talent in Canada. We look forward to working together for the future of archery in Canada and the USA for many years to come.”
Under the renewed agreement, Archery Canada continues to be the sole representative and promoter of ASA Archery in Canada. The organization will continue to promote the ASA format through the provincial and territorial associations, as well as the broader archery community. Supporting development opportunities for 3D archers and encouraging those at the provincial level will remain a priority for the organization as well.
Canadian clubs will have the option to register ASA shoots through the Archery Canada tournament calendar. Registrants with Archery Canada through their provincial or territorial associations will now be able to compete in ASA State Qualifier and State Championship tournaments in the USA exempt from other fees beyond the entry fees. ASA members will have similar access to Canadian ASA qualifiers and championships as they are developed and promoted.
The new agreement does not change Archery Canada’s commitment to following World Archery rules for its major national tournaments, but gives member clubs and associations the opportunity to develop new tournaments following ASA rules and regulations.
Both organizations are looking forward to seeing the development of ASA over the coming years.
For more information, please contact:
Zoe Meil, Communications & Safe Sport Coordinator
(613) 260-2113 ext. 3