Archery Canada Archery Canada


Archery Canada Webinar: Managing Your Team during COVID-19

May 04, 2020
Archery Canada Webinar: Managing Your Team during COVID-19

Archery Canada’s Recurve High Performance Staff will be hosting a webinar on Sunday May 10th at 12:00 pm EST. This webinar is open to all coaches and athletes in Canada interested in seeing how the National Recurve Team has adapted their training practices in this time, while also discussing comprehensive data analysis.

Webinar # 1: Managing your team during COVID-19: Methods and Practices of the Recurve National Team
Presenters: Shawn Riggs – Recurve National Team Coach, Alan Brahmst – High Performance Advisor

As the sports world has ground to a halt with COVID-19, our organization, domestic athletes, and international athletes have had to quickly adapt to new training
environments, while continuing to work towards their performance goals. This virtual workshop session will discuss how the National Recurve Team has adapted their training environment in these times with a focus on athlete monitoring, reporting and tools to help our athletes train in a virtual environment. The workshop will also offer an introduction to a comprehensive data analysis for enhancing an understanding of performance metrics at the global level. This session will provide a delivery of content and allow for engaged discussion and Q&A. Topics for discussion include:

  1. Virtual Training Environment
    • At home strength and conditioning
    • Athlete wellness monitoring
    • Tools for mental health and performance
  2. World Archery Competitions by the numbers
    • Youth participation at international event
    • World Cup / World Championships / Olympic athlete demographics
    • Archery Canada Podium Results Track – Current State, Future Evaluation

Note: This webinar will be presented in English, but a French version of the presentation slides will be made available for those who request.


Registration is open to all interested coaches and athletes who are a member of their Provincial/Territorial Organization and/or Archery Canada.

Registration can be completed at the following link: