Archery Canada Archery Canada


Call for Expressions of Interest for Candidates Archery Canada Board of Director Vacancy

May 11, 2021
Call for Expressions of Interest for Candidates Archery Canada Board of Director Vacancy

Archery Canada, the National Sport Organization dedicated to the promotion and development of archery across Canada, is currently recruiting for a position on the Board of Directors. We commit to increasing the diversity of our board by actively and intentionally recruiting individuals that are reflective of Canadian society and of our sport community. In advancement of gender balance for women and men on the Board of Directors, the organization adopted a gender standard requiring that the Board be constituted in a manner such that no gender (men or women) accounts for more than 5 Directors.

In preparation for a pending vacancy on the Board of Directors, Archery Canada is seeking interested, qualified, women candidates to help lead the organization as a Director-at-Large, with term commencing August 7, 2021 and expiring at the 2023 Archery Canada AGM.  This is a volunteer role.

The Board of Directors is seeking to fill this vacancy based on areas of expertise identified by the Board as essential to its work on behalf of the organization and in compliance with the gender balance set out in our bylaws. Candidates with legal experience, human resources, fundraising, or marketing/communications are of particular interest to help round out the capacity and capability of the Board. Although it is not a requirement, an ability to carry on a meaningful conversation in both official languages in Canada is an asset and will be viewed as an additional and equally important competency.

Board Commitments

The Board’s primary objectives are to establish the strategic direction for Archery Canada, develop and approve policies and procedures, ensure the organization’s financial health, manage and oversee operations, ensure positive relationships with members and stakeholders, and perform other duties that are in the best interests of Archery Canada.

The Board of directors meet at a minimum, four times per year, twice in person and twice via teleconference and are elected for a term of 4 years (though the current vacancy will be for the two remaining years of the term). More information on our Board governance can be found here:

Eligibility to be a Director

A candidate for appointment to the Board of Directors must meet the qualifications as set out in Sections 24 of Archery Canada’s bylaws. Eligible candidates must be at least 18 years of age and residents of Canada and register as Registrant of Archery Canada through one of the Member Provincial or Territorial Associations.

As explained in the introduction above, to fill this vacancy, Archery Canada will only be accepting applications for women candidates.

Expressions of Interest

Qualified persons interested in joining the Archery Canada Board of Directors must complete the Expression of Interest Form, and include with it a resume by June 20, 2021.

Board Appointment Process

After the submission deadline, the Executive Director will screen all applications received to ensure that they meet the minimum qualifications required for a Director. Applications will then be shared with and evaluated by the Board, to arrive at a candidate who may be appointed to the Board of Directors of Archery Canada. Archery Canada reserves the right to decline all applications and leave the position vacant at its discretion.

Any candidate who is selected for appointment to the Board of Directors will be required, at minimum, to submit a Screening Application Form, and an Enhanced Policy Information Check (E-PIC), in accordance with Archery Canada’s Screening Policy.

Assuming the individual passes screening, they will be officially appointed by the Board of Directors effective August 7, 2021, and introduced to the Members at the Archery Canada AGM.

Any questions regarding this Call for Expressions of Interest may be directed to

We thank all interested candidates in advance for their submission.