This shoot is registered with Archery Canada and World Archery. World Archery registration numbers: 21605 and 21606
Ce tir est enregistré auprès de Tir à l’Arc Canada et World Archery . Numéros d’inscription dfu World Archery : 21605 and 21606
Pre-Registration is required and subject to COVID-19 Provincial Sport restrictions/Pre-inscription est obligatoire et soumis aux restrictions de santé de la province COVID-19
There will be (4) 720 rounds this weekend. 2 held on Saturday, and 2 on Sunday
Morning line: official practice @ 9:00, scoring @ 10:00. Afternoon line: official practice @ 13:00, scoring @ 14:00. |
Contact Kathy or Larry to reserve your spot.
Wheelchair accessible.