Archery Canada Archery Canada


Fiona Maude

Short Biography:

I started archery at 14 after trying it while on vacation. Shortly after that I attended the Canadian 3D Nationals in BC and I was hooked. I primarily shoot target but also enjoy 3D and field when time permits. I very thankful for the opportunities I have had through archery, especially the chance to represent Canada on 5 national teams.

Biggest Accomplishment:

Shooting a 300 at Vegas in 2019. 1st place at WinterCam in 2018. Bronze at the World IFAA Championship in 2014.

Hobbies outside of sport:

Anything outdoors!

Records Set:

IFAA NAC YAF Field, Hunter & Animal (2015); IFAA ON Prov Jr (2017); Field CC Jr (2016); Field/Hunter ON Prov Jr (2017)



More about Fiona:


North Bay, Ontario

Birthplace, Province:

Hanover, Ontario

National Team:

Compound Target

Club (Primary Training Centre):

The Archery Place/ Peel Archery Club


Sean McKenty

Type of Bow:


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