A Lifetime of Hard Work and Dedication to the Sport of Archery
Herb was born and raised in the community of Rich Lake, Alberta. He received his first handmade bow when he was 8 years old from the local natives. It was from then on that he continued his love of archery.
He started shooting competitively at his first Provincial shoot in 1949 and attended 62 consecutive Provincial Championships. In his lifetime, he attended many other shoots throughout Canada (every province except Newfoundland) and has won many awards for his efforts. Over the years, he has also used his archery skills and other talents to entertain people both young and old. He even brought his bow with him overseas while in the army to entertain the troops. He is known for his trick shots, axe throwing, rope tricks, card tricks, and storytelling. As an example, he used to shoot three balloons one at a time with each one blown up inside the other. He has even been featured on the CBC show “On the Road Again” for his many talents. At 100 years old, Herb still attended a shoot with the local club where he shot a bull eye on the second arrow. He attended local shoots and many times started the competition with the opening shot. He has demonstrated a lifetime of dedication to the sport of archery and provided a great opportunity for our youth to learn the heritage of archery.
In 2008, Lakeland Archers dedicated the outdoor range in Herb’s name.