Interpodia Onboarding Guide
The Interpodia Onboarding Guide will tell you about the system and the pros of having interpodia, links to how-to guides, and how to get technical support.
Please see the link below for the Interpodia Onboarding Guide.
Archery Canada- How to Register 2m- Archer
The Archery Canada Guide on how to Register in 2M (Interpodia), will show you how to register membership in your specific PTSO.
The Guide on how to register can be found in the link below.
Archery Canada-How to Register 2m-Admin Transaction
The Archery Canada Guide on how to Register in 2M (Interpodia)- Admin Transaction, will show you how to register an archer membership as an admin in your specific PTSO.
The Guide on how to register- Admin Transaction can be found in the link below.
How to Mass Upload Members
The Archery Canada Guide on how to mass upload members will show PTSO Administrators and/or Club Administrators how to upload a spreadsheet of paid members into Interpodia to mass upload their memberships.
The Guide on how to mass upload members can be found in the link below.
Membership System Processing Fee
The Archery Canada Guide on Membership Processing Fees summarizes the fees associated with the Interpodia Membership System
The breakdown of fees can be found in the link below.
Registering for an Event
The Archery Canada Guide on how to Register for an Event will show how an Archer can register for an event through the Interpodia-2M system.
The Guide on how to Register for an Event can be found in the link below.