Quebec City to host 2022 Canada Cup East

QUÉBEC, QC – Archery Canada, along with the Fédération de Tir à l’Arc de Québec, is pleased to announce that Quebec City has been selected as the host for the 2022 Canada Cup East.
The Canada Cup is an annual Archery Canada sanctioned competition that has two editions, West and East. This one, hosted by Quebec City, will include participants from Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland & Labrador.
The competition will be organized by the Kamentukash club, in partnership with the Fédération de tir à l’arc du Québec, on the archery range at the Sainte-Foy outdoor base. The event, which will bring together more than 100 archers and coaches, is currently scheduled for June 16-19, 2022.
“This is a great vote of confidence in our organization and we are very pleased to be able to host this first ever event. We are excited to see all the archers from the eastern part of the country compete in our facilities,” said Léonard Brisson, head of the 2022 Canada Cup East organizing committee, as well as the founder and current president of the Kamentukash club.
“Welcoming the best archers in the eastern provinces of Canada to Québec is an incredible opportunity for the development of the sport in our province. The Kamentukash club is an organization that has done a lot for archery and is made up of a motivated and passionate team. We will support them at all stages of the organization of the event.” Mentioned Gabriela Cosovan, technical director of the Fédération de tir à l’arc du Québec.
The organizing committee, formed by members of the Kamentukash club, will also be able to count on the support of Québec City and of the Plein Air Faune Group, which manages the Sainte-Foy outdoor base, in the set up of the 2022 Canada Cup East.
Québec City Business Destination and the Office of Québec Tourism also support the organizing committee and will bring their valuable expertise to the project.
Québec City will host the first Canada Cup East of archery exactly 55 years after welcoming the first ever Canada Games in 1967.
For information:
Kylah Cawley
Program Manager
Archery Canada