Tournament Registration:
Archery Canada affiliated clubs have the option to register a club shoot for Ranking, and addition in the Archery Canada event calendar. Frequently asked questions, and an outline on how to register a shoot are outlined below:
What types or tournaments or shoots can be registered with Archery Canada?
Any club event, meeting the minimum requirements outlined below, can be registered into Ianseo. This includes, but is not limited to, 3D shoots, Field, Indoor and Outdoor Target, as well as IFAA Rounds.
Minimum requirements:
Venue must be able to accommodate up to 10 archers
Minimum of 3 archers must participate for scores to be considered for ranking
Officiated by a Provincial Judge (or higher)
Who can register a tournament or shoot?
Archery Canada member clubs have the opportunity to register tournaments with Archery Canada and/or World Archery. Registering your club’s tournament with Archery Canada allows for:
The tournaments scores to be used for Archer’s Ranking
Make the scores eligible for Canadian or World Records
Listing & Promotion in the Archery Canada Calendar
To register a shoot in the system, an administrator at your club should have been provided Privilege access in the database. If not, please contact your provincial membership coordinator, who can assist.
Are there costs to register a tournament?
Registration fees are dependent on the type of event, and will change if the club wants it registered for World Records as well. The event costs, as of April 1st 2019, are as outlined below (all prices include taxes):
3D Tournaments & IFAA shoots: $10.00
Indoor/Outdoor Target: $35.00
3D, Target or Field registration with World Archery: $60.00
Costs are applied on a “per day basis”. A club can register as many rounds as they wish in one day, and they will all be covered under (1) tournament registration cost. If the event occurs over multiple days, a charge per day will be applied.
Are there any deadlines to register a tournament?
Tournaments can be registered at any time, up to seven (7) days, before the start of the event. If a tournament is registered with less than 7 days before the start, it will be subject to a $10.00 late fee, and will be pending Archery Canada approval.
Where or how do I register a shoot?
In order for a club to register a tournament in the Archery Calendar, it needs to be registered through the ianseo system. Additionally, Archery Canada recommends that the club reaches out to their PTSO to determine their registration process, as some PTSOs have decided to register all tournaments into the system on behalf of their clubs.
To login into Ianseo, the individual will need their Archery Canada number, and password. If you haven’t been provided a password, please reach out to your PTSO or Archery Canada, who can assign a password.
In order to register a tournament for your club, you will need Club level privilege access granted to you, or to your tournament coordinator at your club. Once logged into Ianseo, if they scroll to the tournaments tab, they will see a selection of new yellow tabs, where they can select New Competition, and input all the necessary information.
When new competition is selected, the above page should open. Please see below a description for each field:
Competition Code: Will automatically be generated once the event is saved
From and To Dates: For scoring purposes, if there are multiple rounds, each round will need to be added to upload the scores. Therefore, the date section should be a same day event, with other days being registered separately
Organizer: This should automatically populate with the club you have privilege for
Place: Can input a specific address or the name of the location
Name: Name for the event, for example: 720 Morning Round, Christmas Shoot etc.
Description: Select the type of competition, club shoot, Provincials etc.
Type: Select the type of round, Indoor 18M, 720 Round, 3D, etc
Check boxes: Check off any of the items that pertain to your shoot. If you want it registered with World Archery, ensure you select register for World and Canadian Records.
Notes: Input any tournament information you would like in the calendar listing here. This could include any costs to register, practice times, shooting times, contact email. Etc.
Once you save the tournament, it will open a similar looking page, which has a bit more options. This is the “edit” page. Every event automatically saves to edit mode. If you have no other information to input, at the top of the page, you should see three (3) options. Select the one that says requested, and re-save the page. This will send Archery Canada a notification email that an event has been registered.
How do I access I@nseo?
The database is accessed online via the ianseo system at:
Club lists, archer lists, and the ranking list is all public, and does not require a login to view. All personal information is not available in the public view, and can only be seen by the specific registrant, their club administrator, provincial administrator, and Archery Canada.
If an archer wants to login to access their account, they should check with the club or provincial administrator (see below), for their login. If unavailable, please contact the Archery Canada Program Coordinator.
How do I report scores for a shoot?
Ianseo is designed to also host the scores for the registered shoots. The same individual who has registered the tournament will also have the privilege level access to upload the scores. The step-by-step process to upload scores can be found in the manual below:
Entering Tournament Scores I@nseo AC – step by step
For Regional Indoors and MICA, scores are to be reported through the forms provided by the respective coordinators. They can be uploaded into the Ianseo system, if the club would like the scores to be used in indoor rankings.
How do I set up 2 Distances for a 3D course?
Ianseo is designed to also host the scores for the registered shoots. The same individual who has registered the tournament will also have the privilege level access to upload the scores. The step-by-step process to upload scores can be found in the manual below:
Are there deadlines to report the scores?
Archery Canada highly recommends that clubs upload all tournament scores within seven (7) days of the completion of the tournament. If a club needs any help with this process, or will have an unforeseen delay in uploading scores, they should reach out to the Archery Canada Program Coordinator for assistance.
All scores to be considered for ranking must be uploaded into the system no later than November 30th of that year.
More Frequently Asked Questions:
- Do we need to send in all the scorecards from the event to Archery Canada?
No, you do not need to mail in your score cards but all scorecards or forms used by the judges for the event should be retained for 30 days. After 30 days, they may be destroyed.
- How do I verify my tournament has been registered for records?
Tournaments registered with Archery Canada, once approved, will be entered into the Archery Canada Tournament Calendar. Additionally, the individual with privilege level access in Ianseo should receive an email notification from the system when the event is approved, or potentially not approved.
To verify if it has been registered with World Archery, the Program Coordinator will record the World Archery Registration number in the tournament page in Ianseo, and on the calendar listing on the Archery Canada website. Additionally, you can go to the World Archery events page, and filter for the events. Select More Filters, and apply the Americas and Canada filters. You should then see a listing of all Canadian event registered with World Archery.
- How do I edit my tournament once it has been approved?
Once Archery Canada approves the event, it can only be edited by Archery Canada. Therefore, if there are any changes, please reach out to the Archery Canada Program Coordinator.
- What happens if I need to cancel a shoot?
Archery Canada understands that there are circumstances where an event needs to be cancelled, such as inclement weather, not enough participants etc. Tournament cancellations are determined by the club, and if your club needs to cancel a shoot, or a shoot was cancelled, Archery Canada’s Program Coordinator should be notified as soon as possible.
- When are tournament registration fees due?
Archery Canada will issue an invoice to the club or PTSO for all tournament registrations. This will be done on an ongoing basis. Registration Fees are due within 30 days of receipt of the invoice. Payment methods will be outlined at that time.
- Can scores for all events be reported?
The I@nseo system is designed around World Archery shoots, therefore any World Archery style tournament can have their scores uploaded into the system. I@nseo is not set up for scores for an IFAA Round.
Additionally, for scores to be considered for ranking, the tournament must have a minimum of three (3) Archery Canada archers participating, and the venue must be able to accommodate at least ten (10) archers. For more information, please see Rule Book 2, AC 4.8 for more information.
Archery Canada currently does not have a ranking system for 3D Archery.
- What do I do if I make a mistake in the uploaded scores?
Depending on the error, there are different processes.
An archer is in the wrong category:
If an archer has been accidentally placed in the wrong category, the file will need to be deleted, then re-uploaded. First, the uploaded file needs to be deleted out of the tournament. This is done by going into the edit page for that tournament, and selecting the “Delete” boxes, and saving the page. Once saved, the club volunteer with the privilege level access, will need to then open the “Edit Competition Results” page, and manually delete all the scores out of the event. Then a new corrected file can be inputted.
A score was inputted incorrectly:
Under the “Edit Competition Results” page, when you enter the tournament registration code, you should be able to just edit the score for that archer. If it affects the final placing of the archers, you will need to delete all the archers and re-enter them.
For any assistance in editing scores, please contact the Archery Canada Program Coordinator.
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