Archery Canada Archery Canada


Canadian Records

Archery Canada is pleased to recognize Canadians who have achieved a Canadian Record in an Archery Competition.

New and Updated Canadian Indoor Records

New Canadian Championship (CC) and Open (CO) records (as of  May 10th, 2024)

U15 woman compound: Khushreet Sandhu from Winnipeg ,MB in an 18m Round with a score of 575. 2025-01-11

Man barebow : Raymond Huang from Vancouver, BC in an 18m round with a score of 559.2024-12-15

60+ man compound unlimited: Larry E Smith from Winchester, ON in a 18m indoor round with a score of 561. 2024-12-15

50+ man compound unlimited: Darren Diehl from Grandora, SK in a 25m indoor round with a score of 574. 2024-12-15

60+ man barebow: Rick Courtney from Bragg Creek, AB in a 25m indoor Round with a score of 484. 2024-11-10

60+ woman barebow: Angela Orcutt from Surrey, BC in an 18m Round with a score of 509. 2024-11-03

50+ woman barebow: Angela Orcutt from Surrey, BC in an 18m Round with a score of 509. 2024-11-03

60+ woman compound unlimited: Janet Normand from St-Albert, AB in an 18m Round with a score of 567. 2024-10-27

60+ woman compound unlimited: Janet Normand from St-Albert, AB in an 18 meters Round with a score of 563. 2024-10-20

Click here to view all women’s indoor records

Click here to view all men’s indoor records

New and Updated Canadian Outdoor Records

New Canadian Championship and Open Records (as of September 24, 2024)

Man recurve: Brian Maxwell from Burnaby, BC in a CDN 900 Round with a score of 299 at 35m. 2024-09-28
Woman barebow: Angela Orcutt (Foley) from Surrey, BC in a CDN 900 Round with a score of 245 at 45m. 2024-09-28
Woman compound unlimited: Andrea Wiens from Raymore, SK in a Field Round with a score of 378. 2024-07-14
60+ woman compound unlimited: Ila Rhea Hill from Regina, SK in a CDN 1200 Round with a score of 244 at 60m, 256 at 50m, 274 at 40m, 284 at 30m. and the total of 1058.2024-09-22
60+ man barebow: Richard Benstead from Abbotsford, BC in a CDN 900 Round with a score of 152 at 55m, 169 at 45m, 237 at 35m and the total of 558. 2024-09-28.
50+ woman barebow: Angela Foley from Surrey, BC in a CDN 900 Round with a score of 245 at 45m. 2024-09-28.
60+ woman barebow: Angela Foley from Surrey, BC in a CDN 900 Round with a score of 233 at 55m, 245 at 45m, 249 at 35m and the total of 727. 2024-09-28.
60+ woman recurve: Linda Wong from Surrey, BC in a CDN 900 Round with a score of 222 at 55m, 260 at 45m, 276 at 35m and the total of 758. 2027-09-28.
Man barebow: Jovica Djukic from Battleford, SK in a Field Round with a score of 344 at the 2024 World Archery Field Championships. 2024-09-16
U21 woman compound: Anya Pinel from Dubreuilville, ON in a Field Round with a score of 388. 2024-08-25
U13 woman barebow: Ember Frigon from Pilot Butte, SK in a CDN 1200 Round with a score of 186 at 35m. 206 at 30m. 225 at 25m. 253 at 20m. and the total of 870. 2024-09-22
U21 woman recurve: Audrey Khan Arevalo from Etobicoke, ON in a Field Round with a score of 329 at the 2024 World Archery Field Championships in Lac La Biche, CAN. 2024-09-16
U13 woman barebow: Ember Frigon from Pilot Butte, SK in a 1440 Round with a score of 255 at 30m, 267 at 25m (122cm face), 253 at 25m (80cm face), 261 at 20m and the total of 1036. 2024-08-27
Woman barebow: Lisa Darlington from Keswick, ON in a Field Round with a score of 281. 2024-08-25
50+ woman compound unlimited: Janet Normand from St-Albert, AB in a 720 Round with a score of 646. 2024-09-08
Man recurve: Crispin Duenas from Scarborough, ON in a Field Round with a score of 381. 2024-08-24
U15 man recurve: Alexis Fradette from Montréal, QC in a 720 Round with a score of 589. 2024-08-24
U15 man recurve: Wassim Slim from Laval, QC in a 720 Round with a score of 597. 2024-08-31

U15 woman compound: Khushreet Kaur Sandhu from Winnipeg, MB in a CDN 900 Round with a score of 296 at 35m, 300-20x at 25m and the total of 884. 2024-08-17

U15 man recurve: Augustine Schmidt from Saskatoon, SK in a 720 Round with a score of 582 (CO) 2024-07-13
50+ woman recurve: Subrena De Shane-Gill from Mississauga, ON in a 720 Round with a score of 619 (CO). 2024-07-13
U15 woman compound: Sandhu Khushreet from Winnipeg, MB in a 720 Round with a score of 679 (CC). 2024-08-09
U13 woman barebow: Ember Frigon from Pilot Butte, SK in a 720 Round with a score of 463 (CC). 2024-08-09
U18 woman barebow: Livia Vel from Rusagonis, NB in a 720 Round with a score of 354 (CC). 2024-08-09
50+ woman barebow: Samantha Meehan from New Campbellton, NS in a 720 Round with a score of 520 (CC). 2024-08-09
Senior woman barebow: Samantha Meehan from New Campbellton, NS in a 720 Round with a score of 520 (CC). 2024-08-09
Senior woman recurve: Virginie Chenier from Laval, QC in a 720 Round with a score of 645 (CC).2024-08-09
U15 man recurve: Yashveer Singh Bains from Brampton, ON in a 720 Round with a score of 580 (CC). 2024-08-09
Senior man PARA recurve open: Jean-François Lavergne from St-Raymond, QC in a 720 Round with a score of 531 (CC). 2024-08-09
U15 woman recurve: Sophie Pineault from Montréal. QC in a 720 Round with a score of 591 (CC). 2024-08-09
U15 man compound: Bennett Nelson from Watertown, ON in an Elimination match with a score of 143 (CC). 2024-08-10
U18 woman compound: Anya Pinel from Dubreuilville, ON in an Elimination match with a tie-score of 143 (tie-CC). 2024-08-10

Congratulations to all


Click here to view all women’s outdoor records

Click here to view all men’s outdoor records

How to claim a record

Claims for records must be sent to the Archery Canada Records Coordinator within 30 days of the tournament in question. A claim for a record will contain:

  • Athlete’s name 
  • Athlete’s AC number;
  • Athlete’s year of birth;
  • Athlete’s mailing address;
  • Athlete’s shooting discipline and category (division, gender, age);
  • Specification of the record being claimed (distance(s) and/or total;
  • Name, description, place and date of the tournament;
  • Name of a Judge at the tournament
  • A Copy of the original scorecard, signed by the athlete and by the person who completed the scorecard, or by the second scorer if the athlete claiming the record was the scorer. The name of the witness or second scorer should be printed legibly on the card or in the record claim.

Records may be granted up to 180 days following a tournament if substantiating evidence is provided in addition to the above information. (See rule 5.5.2)