Update on recent doping infraction (June 11th 2016)

Dear Archery Canada Community:
Further to the May 20th and June 3rd letters to the Archery Canada Community, which were posted on the Archery Canada website*, I am writing to update you on the matter dealing with Jay Lyon and his doping infraction. The expedited hearing in front of World Archery took place this past Wednesday morning June 8th. The World Archery Anti-Doping Panel released its ruling this morning. The World Archery Anti-Doping Panel has ruled that Jay Lyon “has committed an anti-doping rule violation pursuant to rule 36.2.1 of the Anti-Doping Rules of the World Archery Federation”. Consequently, the Anti-Doping Panel has sanctioned Jay Lyon with “a period of ineligibility of two (2) years pursuant to Article 36.10.2 of the Anti-Doping Rules of the World Archery Federation, commencing as of the date of the provisional suspension on 19 May 2016.”
As a member of World Archery, Archery Canada must and will abide by the Panel’s decision. Therefore, Jay Lyon has been suspended by Archery Canada for a period of two (2) years. As a result, his membership with Archery Canada is suspended for a two year period retroactive from May 19th 2016 through to May 19th 2018. As such, the following applies to Jay Lyon for this two year suspension:
- Ineligible for membership with Archery Canada and its member provincial/territorial archery associations and member clubs.
- Ineligible to participate in any programs and/or services offered by or connected with Archery Canada.
- Ineligible to shoot or participate in any tournaments registered with Archery Canada and World Archery.
- Ineligible to train and compete at any Archery Canada member club facilities or ranges (indoor or outdoor).
- Ineligible for selection to the Archery Canada National Team.
- Ineligible to receive Archery Canada, Sport Canada and Own the Podium financial support for the above noted period of time.
*Website link:
May 20th letter:
June 3rd letter:
Scott Ogilvie
Executive Director
Archery Canada