Archery Canada Archery Canada


Note: 2021 World Archery Youth Championships, Wroclaw – Poland

April 30, 2021
Note: 2021 World Archery Youth Championships, Wroclaw – Poland

With the recent announcement cancelling all National Level Archery Canada events, including this years Outdoor Championships, and the continued uncertainty with the ongoing pandemic, Archery Canada and the appropriate Program leadership are continuously monitoring the situation in the lead up to international events, including the World Archery Youth Championships (WAYC) in Wroclaw, Poland.

With restrictions in place for Canadians travelling into many European countries, and a lack of information from World Archery regarding WAYC, including safety and quarantine protocols, Archery Canada has not yet made a final decision to compete at this event.  (see While we are currently considering our potential options for competing at the Championships, all PTSO’s and interested athletes should note that ultimately this event will undergo a formal risk assessment to determine if Canada’s attendance is appropriate.

As we gather more information related to the risk assessment, we are currently seeking a call of interest for all eligible athletes for this event to gain an understanding of our memberships interest in competing in Poland in August of 2021. We ask all archers, Recurve and Compound, to submit their intent by May 31st 2021 through the form at the below (Athlete Intent Form). 

Eligible athletes are defined as athletes who can demonstrate their ability to achieve a minimum qualification score (MQS). Please see appropriate scores below:

Table One. Recurve – Minimum Qualification Scores

Scores Required to complete a team, shot twice in 2021

Junior Men Women  




32nd place in Qual round (Madrid)


Cadet Men Women  



32nd place in Qual round (Madrid)



Table Two. Compound Minimum Qualifying Scores.

Category Tier 1
Junior Men 685
Women 672
Cadet Men 676
Women 660


Please see full Compound Youth Selection Addendum here:

Program leadership are surveying all options and potential virtual competitions to allow opportunities for archers to provide evidence of meeting the MQS. Further details to follow.

Any athlete interested in attending this event, should assume that the costs to attend will be higher than normal. Athletes will need to consider the costs related to current travel requirements which include multiple COVID tests, single accommodation at the event, hotel accommodation upon return for mandatory quarantines, and other potential costs related to Canadian safety protocols.

Decisions and options related to logistics, team staffing, team size and selection process are being considered. These will be announced as soon as possible.

Archery Canada Program leads are planning to hold an information session outlining any related logistics for PTSO’s, athletes and parents, once finalized. This date and time will be communicated shortly.

For further questions and if you have any concerns, please contact Kylah Cawley, Program Manager, at the Archery Canada office,

Athlete Intent Form

Athlete Selection Process Application

  • Date Format: MM slash DD slash YYYY