The following is the most recent Archery Canada and World Archery Rule book, as well as interpretations to any rules that affect Canadian Archery.
Rule Updates
Book 1: Constitution & Procedures
This edition contains all current laws and bylaws approved and in effect on the date shown below. There may be interpretations
which may affect this edition. Please check the World Archery website ( for a listing of all interpretations which may be in force.
This version supersedes all previous versions.
Book 1: Constitution & Procedures
Book 2: Event's and Archery Canada Regulations
Book 2: Events and Archery Canada Regulations, outlines the rules to be used for all Archery Canada Championships, covering registration, equipment inspection, Field of Play, and championship specific rules.
Book 2: Events and Archery Canada Regulations
Book 3: Target Archery
Book 3: Target Archery, outlines all the rules applied to Target Archery Competitions, from permissible equipment to scoring and appeal processes.
Book 4: Field and 3D Archery
Book 4: Field and 3D Archery outlines all the rules applied to Field and 3D Archery Competitions, from permissible equipment and championship divisions to scoring and appeal processes.
Book 5: Miscellaneous Archery Rounds
Book 5: Miscellaneous Archery Rounds, outlines the World Archery Rules for the miscellaneous Archery rounds and Ski-Archery
Book 5: Miscellaneous Archery Rounds
Book 6: Anti-Doping Rules
Book 6 of the World Archery Rule book outlines the Anti-Doping Rules and the Anti-Doping Code. In Canada, Archery Canada members are subject to Canadian Anti-Doping Rules and the Canadian Anti-Doping Program. You can download the Canadian Anti-Doping Program below:
For further information on Canadian Anti-Doping program, please see the Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport website
For archers participating at a World Archery event, they will be subject to World Archery’s Anti-Doping rules, which are outlined on the World Archery Rule Book in Book 6:
World Archery Anti-Doping Rules
Rule Interpretations
Below are interpretation documents, whose purpose is to further clarify any rules in the Archery Canada or World Archery rule book, to be used at all Archery Canada sanctioned tournaments in Canada:
World Archery Interpretations
- Tab Interpretation for Barebow (2017)
- Barebow Tab Stitching
- Wooden Laminates on Traditional Bow Riser
- Failure to Shoot Arrows – Team Rounds
Archery Canada Interpretations: