The programs and services of Archery Canada are managed by a combination of professional staff, contractors and passionate volunteers. The Members of Archery Canada play a strong role in the ongoing development of programs.
Archery Canada Staff
Karl Balisch | Executive Director |
Kylah Cawley | High Performance Manager |
Ashley Welock | Finance Coordinator |
Priyanka Dhanie | Program Coordinator |
Volunteer Coordinators | |
Sean McKenty | Field and Barebow Coordinator |
Board of Directors
President | Aaron Bull |
VP Marketing and Communications | Nada Ghaoui |
VP Finance & Administration | Robert Tataryn |
VP Development | Marie-France Dufour |
Directors-at-Large | Saribel Deslauriers, Kevin Booker |
Athlete Representative | Jamie Brehaut |
Archery Canada Volunteer Committees
Provincial/Territorial Members Council
The Members Council is a forum for discussion and input by Archery Canada’s member Provincial and Territorial Sport Organizations (PSOs) into the operation of the organization.
Members Council Terms of Reference
Alberta: | Jamie Brehaut | President |
British Columbia: | Lora-Lee Murray | President – Président , BCAA |
Manitoba: | Chad Sanders | President – Président, ABAM |
New Brunswick: | Anthony Steeves | President |
Northwest Terrritories: | Chris MacDonald | |
Nova Scotia: | Mike Schroeder | President, ANS |
Ontario: | Rene Brouilette | President, OAA |
Prince Edward Island: | Duncan Crawford | President – Président, PEIAA |
Québec: | Guy Commeau | President – Président, FTAQ |
Saskatchewan | Sheri Yaworski | President |
Yukon | Gael Marchand | ED, YASC Archery |
Athlete Council
The Archery Canada (AC) Athlete Council (‘Council’) represents athletes competing in Archery sports (‘athletes’). It acts as the athlete voice within AC.
Athlete Council Terms of Reference
3D Archery Committee
The 3D Archery Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. It is responsible for assisting the Board by preparing a 3D Archery program consistent with the directions of Archery Canada’s strategic plan and
Long-Term Archer Development (LTAD) model.
3D Committee Terms of Reference
VP 3D Programs | Aaron Bull |
Alberta Representative: | Monica Higgins |
British Columbia Representative: | Glen Shaw |
Manitoba Representative: | Sean Murray |
New Brunswick Representative: | Wesley Ruff |
Northwest Territories Representative: | Chris MacDonald |
Nova Scotia Representative: | Dave Woodland |
Ontario Representative: | Larry Reid |
Prince Edward Island Representative: | Duncan Crawford |
Québec Representative: | Yvon Legault |
Saskatchewan Representative: | Sheri Yaworski |
Yukon Representative: | Kirk Porayko |
Non-Voting Staff Liaison – Executive Director | Karl Balisch |
Development Committee
The Development Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. It is responsible for assisting the Board by preparing an athlete development program consistent with the directions of Archery Canada’s strategic plan, Long-Term Archer Development (LTAD) model and Competition Model. The Development Committee also manages and integrates the work of its tributary Events, Coaching Development, Judges Development and Rules Committees into the overall Archery Canada development program recognizing the differences in, and the particular
needs of, Club, Provincial, and National organizations.
Development Committee Terms of Reference
Chair | Marie-France Dufour |
Chair, Events Committee | Marie-France Dufour |
Chair, Judging Committee | Laura Lynne Churchill |
Chair, Coaching Committee | Janice Clark |
Chair, Rules Committee | Randall Jones |
Chair, LTAD Committee | Marie-France Dufour |
Non-Voting Staff Liaison – Program Manager | Kylah Cawley |
Events Committee
The Events Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. It is responsible for assisting the Board by promoting and supporting the organization and hosting of national and international Archery competitions in Canada, and supporting development of an aligned competition pathway consistent with the directions of Archery Canada’s strategic plan, Long-Term Archer Development (LTAD) model and Competition Model.
Events Committee Terms of Reference
Chair | Sonia Schina |
Members | Tricia Oshiro |
Lee Hart | |
Trudy Dryden | |
Stephane Potvin | |
Duncan Crawford | |
Rules and Judging Chairs | |
Non-Voting Staff Liaison – Program Manager | Kylah Cawley |
Marketing and Communications Committee
The Marketing and Communications Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. It is responsible for assisting the Board in fulfilling its responsibilities relating to corporate marketing, programs related to external sponsorship, fund development and communication to members and stakeholders including publications, website, and social media.
Marketing and Communications Committee Terms of Reference
Chair | Nada Ghaoui |
Members | Kelly Taylor |
Saribel Deslauriers | |
Non-Voting Staff Liaison | Karl Balisch |
Coaching Sub-Committee
The Coaching Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. It is responsible for assisting the Board by preparing coach education programs, including Archery contexts within the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) and preparing and certifying coaches, consistent with the directions of Archery Canada’s Long-Term Archer Development (LTAD) model and Competition Model.
Coaching Committee Terms of Reference
Chair | Janice Clark |
Curt Smecher | |
Kelly Chambers | |
Sarah King | |
Allan Saccary | |
Non-Voting Staff Liaison – Program Manager | Kylah Cawley |
Judging Sub-Committee
The Judging Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. It is responsible for assisting the Board by preparing judges’ education programs, and preparing and certifying judges, consistent with the directions of Archery Canada’s Long-Term Archer Development (LTAD) model and Competition Model.
Judging Committee Terms of Reference
Chair | Laura Lynne Churchill |
Members | Mike Oneschuk |
Rene Schaub | |
Eric Fok | |
Non-Voting Staff Liaison – Program Manager | Kylah Cawley |
Rule Sub-Committee
The Rules Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. It is responsible for assisting the Board by managing the official Archery Canada Rulebook. The Rules Committee reports to Judges Development Committee.
Rules Committee Terms of Reference
Chairperson & Rulebook Editor | Vacant |
Recurve representative | Vacant |
Compound representative | Sean McKenty |
3D representative | Aaron Bull |
Athlete representative | Ann Neumeyer |
Judge representative | Laura Lynne Churchill |
Member | Christiane Murphy |
Non Voting Staff Liaison – Program Manager | Kylah Cawley |
LTAD Sub-Committee
The LTAD Committee is a Standing Committee of the Board. It is responsible for assisting the Board by preparing plans for, and proposed changes to, Archery Canada programs, competition formats and rules, and other elements consistent with the directions of Archery Canada’s Long-Term Archer Development (LTAD) model and Competition Model.
LTAD Committee Terms of Reference
Chair | Marie-France Dufour |
Non Voting Staff Liaison – Program Manager | Kylah Cawley |
Compound Target Technical Advisory Group
The Compound Target Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is an advisory group to provide advice and operational support to the High Performance Manager (HPM) and technical staff.
Compound Target Terms of Reference
Dawn Groszko | |
Duncan Crawford | |
Jessica Watson | |
Kathleen Millar | |
Sean McKenty | |
Sonia Schina | |
Ryan Van Berkel | Compound Coordinator |
Kylah Cawley | Archery Canada Staff Liaison |
Para Technical Advisory Group
The Para Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is an advisory group to provide advice and operational support to the High Performance Manager (HPM) and technical staff.
Duncan Crawford | |
Kathleen Millar | |
Linda Price | |
Mike Fox | |
Kylah Cawley | Archery Canada Staff Liaison |
Recurve Target Technical Advisory Group
The Recurve Target Technical Advisory Group (TAG) is an advisory group to provide advice and operational support to the High Performance Manager (HPM) and technical staff.
Recurve Target Terms of Reference
Janice Clark | |
Kathleen Millar | |
Linda Price | |
Duncan Crawford | |
Kylah Cawley | Archery Canada Staff Liaison |
Volunteer Coordinators
Some of Archery Canada’s ongoing programs and development are the responsibility of key volunteers who hold a Volunteer Coordinator role for their area:
Records Coordinator | Christiane Murphy |
Outdoor Mailmatch Coordinator | Markus Zurberg |
Indoor Mailmatch Coordinator | Brad Barclay |
Regional Indoor Champs Coordinator | Vacant |
MICA Coordinator | Vacant |