Call for Expression of Interest – AC Athlete Council
Archery Canada is seeking two athletes (at least one female) who are capable, willing and motived to represent Recurve Target Archery, serving the organization in a volunteer capacity on the Athlete Council for a two year term commencing January 2024.
The Athlete Council is a Board Standing Committee and will assist Archery Canada, the Board of Directors, staff and other committees by representing the collective voice of all Archery Canada’s high-performance athletes, regardless of discipline, and will assist the organization in the fulfillment of its mission and the pursuit of its vision.
The Council has 4 members who will remain on the Council for the next year:
• Kevin Evans, Compound (Para Athlete Representative)
• Tricia Oshiro, Compound Target
• Monica Higgins, 3D
• Tyler Moore, Field
Detailed terms of reference are available at the following link:
Individuals interested in submitting their candidature are kindly asked to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form:, no later than December 21st, 2023. Should you have additional questions please contact the Athlete Director, Jamie Brehaut at
The Expressions of Interest will be reviewed by the Athlete Director and Archery Canada will facilitate an electronic election process to be concluded by January 21, 2024. Any athlete who has represented Canada as a member of a Junior or Senior team in any of the stated disciplines within 6 years of the nomination period is eligible to be nominated to the Council. Council members must be at least 18 years of age in the year they are elected.