Call for Judges for Summer National Events

Archery Canada is now accepting applications from qualified judges wishing to officiate at the following 2022 events:
Event Name |
Location | Date | # Judges on Official Team |
2022 Canada Cup West | Winnipeg, Manitoba | June 10-12 2022 |
1 National Judge To be supported at event by Provincial Judges |
2022 3D Worlds Selection Camp | Lac La Biche, Alberta |
June 17-19 2022 |
4-5 |
2022 Canada Cup East | Quebec City, Quebec | Jun 23-26th 2022 |
1 National Judge To be supported at event by Provincial Judges |
2022 3D Archery Championships | York, PEI | July 15th-18th 2022 |
5 |
2022 Field Archery Championships | York, PEI | July 18-20th 2022 |
8* |
2022 Target Championships | Charlottetown, PEI | July20-24th 2022 |
8* |
*Field Judges will be required to judge for the Target Championships. Judges can apply for all three events
All judge applicants will be considered, based not only on experience, but also from the perspective of the development of Canadian archery. Judges may apply for multiple events.
Deadline to apply is April 11th 2022
Minimum Level of Certification
The minimum desired level of judge certification for all Canadian Championships is National Judge Candidate. Note: With the recommendation of a judge applicant’s province/territory, a Provincial/Territorial Judge will be considered a National Judge Candidate by the Judge Committee.
Provincial Judges and National Judge Candidates, especially those local to the venues, are highly encouraged to apply to participate as a learning opportunity alongside the selected Judge Commission.
Judging Expenses
Archery Canada will cover the following judge expenses for all Canadian Championships:
- Daily per diem at a rate of $50.00 (the following rates will be used: $12/breakfast* $18/lunch, $30/dinner) (*unless otherwise included with hotel)
- Travel to and from the host city (air travel or ground transportation). Air travel is the cost of an Air Canada Tango class or equivalent priced class of ticket with other airlines such as Westjet, Porter. For those that travel by car, Archery Canada provides a reimbursement rate of $0.52 per kilometre to a maximum equal to the above described airline ticket cost. It is the lesser amount of the two (ground or air transport) that is reimbursed by Archery Canada.
- Accommodation: Due to COVID -19 judges may be provided the option to stay in a single room, without being required to pay the additional charges.
*Please note that Archery Canada is monitoring ongoing COVID-19 regulations, and room occupancy will be dependent on local regulations at the time of the event. We will continue to monitor and notify all judges as soon as possible, if there are any changes.
The Host Organizing Committee (HOC) will cover the following judge expenses for all Canadian Championships:
- Ground transportation to and from the hotel and the competition venue. Please note, if the vehicle provided by the HOC is used for personal use, unrelated to the event, such as tourist activities, any incidental costs for usage of the vehicle will be the responsibility of the judges.
- One (1) banquet ticket per judge.
NOTE: Archery Canada covers the expenses of those named to the judge commission (no matter the level of certification). National Judge Candidates or Provincial judges who are invited to participate in the event as a learning opportunity are responsible for their own expenses. We recommend that these judges reach out to their P/TSO about possible funding to subsidize their expenses.
Selection Process
The Archery Canada Judge Committee will review all applications and nominate judges to the Officials Team for each event. Nominations to the Officials Team will be approved by the Archery Canada Judging Committee and reported to the Board of Directors by April 15th 2022, after which all judges named to Officials Teams will be notified.
COVID-19 Note: All applicants must understand that all officials and participants are subject to travel requirements in place related to covid-19 as well as the current local health regulations, which may require participants to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Archery Canada reserves the right to implement additional Covid-19 related protocols which may include a requirement of masks to be worn and/or rapid testing if deemed appropriate.
All interested judges must complete the application form below by April 11th 2022