Liam Bennett is the recipient of the WW Gunter Memorial Bursary

OTTAWA, ON – The Canadian Archery Foundation is excited to announce that this year’s recipient of the WW Gunter Memorial Bursary is Liam Bennett of Prince George, BC.
Liam Bennett began his involvement with archery first as a barebow archer and then moving to a recurve bow for the last seven years. He has loved archery since the very day of classes with his volunteer coaches, and has grown to love this sport.
While his home club, Silvertip Archers, is primarily a recreational club, Liam has attended TOP camps and other similar clinics in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta, as well as the selection camp for the Youth and Masters Pan Am Championships. His performance at the camp was enough to secure a spot on the Canadian team at the international competition this past June in Halifax.
He is currently in the Next Gen program, following the leadership of Soha Mahmoud, Junior Recurve Coach. In the upcoming fall, Liam is attending the University of Calgary where he will study mechanical engineering.
The WW Gunter Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually by the Canadian Archery Foundation to a Canadian archer between the ages of 15 and 20, who has competed or will be competing for Canada at a World Championship or international archery competition, such as the Youth Olympic Games, who has plans to pursue a post-secondary education. Most importantly, the archer must conduct themselves in a manner that is a credit to their sport, their country, and always maintain a sense of dignity and sportsmanship in victory and defeat.
Donations to the Canadian Archery Foundation allows us to support youth archers as they go on to pursue their educational dreams. Please consider giving a tax deductible gift today!
For more information, please contact:
Zoe Meil, Communications & Safe Sport Coordinator
(613) 260-2113 ext. 3