Archery Canada News – December 18, 2015

- Archery Canada National Office Holiday Hours
- 2019 3D World Championship Awarded to The Lakeland Archers of Lac La Biche, Alberta
- Competition Development Coach Certification Context Approved by CAC
- 2016 Canadian 3D Indoor Championship
- Call for Applications of Judges for 2016 Canadian 3D Indoor Archery Championship
- New Canadian Championship (CC) and Canadian Open (CO) Records
- Archery Canada Annual Awards: Call for 2015 Nominations
- 2016 Archery Canada MICA Tournament
- 2016 Canadian Indoor Regional Championship
The Archery Canada national office will be CLOSED for the holidays from Monday, December 21st – Monday, January 4th. The office will re-open Tuesday, January 5th 2016.
Happy Holidays! All the best in 2016!
2. 2019 3D World Championship Awarded to The Lakeland Archers of Lac La Biche, Alberta
Coming out of the World Archery meetings held this past weekend (December 12-13, 2015) in Istanbul, Turkey, World Archery announced those cities selected to host World Championships over the next 2 to 5 years. There was some very exciting news for Canada. The 2019 3D World Championship has been awarded to The Lakeland Archers of Lac La Biche, Alberta. Rene Schaub and a small team of volunteers prepared the bid package. Archery Canada provided its input throughout the preparation process and whole heartedly endorsed the bid.
Congratulations to Rene and the rest of his team on this tremendous accomplishment!
3. Competition Development Coach Certification Context Approved by CAC
Archery Canada is pleased to announce that the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) has given final approval for our Competition Development coach certification context. This completes Archery Canada's transition to the "new" competency based National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP).
Archery Canada's approved NCCP programs are now available through its member Archery Provincial / Territorial Sport Organizations (PSO / TSO). Coach pathways leading to certification in all the contexts are available on the Archery Canada website at the following link: .
Delivery of Competition Development in each of the PSOs/TSOs may be a format of small group or possibly individual mentor. Cross PSO/TSO training may also be needed depending on human resources in each province/territory. There must be an athlete/coach candidate pair to work together for a year in order to complete the Competition Development certification. The athlete should be in the higher levels of Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD).
Coaches in the Competition stream usually have previous coaching experience or are former athletes in the sport. They tend to work with athletes over the long term to improve performance, often in preparation for provincial, national, and international competitions. There are three contexts of workshops for competition coaches that reflect the stages of athlete development: Introduction, Development and High Performance. The Introduction context of competition workshops are designed for coaches of athletes moving from the Learn to Shoot to the Train to Shoot LTAD stages. The Development context of competition workshops are designed for coaches of athletes ranging from the Train to Shoot to the Train to Compete LTAD stages. The High Performance context of competition workshops are typically focused on coaches of athletes in the Train to Excel stage of LTAD, although there is the possibility of some phasing in of a Train to Compete athlete into the High Performance level because of the fluidity of the stages of long-term athlete development. Coaches in this context require specific skills and abilities in order to meet the needs of their athletes.
Bruce Savage, Chair of Archery Canada’s Coaching Certification Committee has played a pivotal leadership role in the transition to and ongoing development and completion of the Competition Introduction and Competition Development contexts of Archery Canada’s NCCP. Bruce has been the lead in the development of the course resource materials and has facilitated a number of successful pilot courses. Sincere thanks and appreciation is extended to Bruce for the enormous time, effort and expertise that he has devoted to the development of our NCCP.
Archery Canada is pleased to announce that the 2016 Canadian 3D Indoor Championship has been awarded to the Semiamhoo Fish and Game Club of Surrey, British Columbia. The Championship will be held at the Cloverdale Agriplex complex in Surrey, BC on April 1st to 3rd. For more information, go to the Championship website at: .
Congratulations and thanks to Stan Jones (Chair of the host organizing committee) and his team of volunteers comprising the committee.
5. Call for Applications of Judges for 2016 Canadian 3D Indoor Archery Championship
Officials Team (comprised of five (5) judges)
Bob Pannell, Chairperson of the Judges Committee for Archery Canada, is accepting applications from judges interested in officiating at the 2016 Canadian 3D INDOOR Archery Championship in Surrey, British Columbia, from Friday, April 1st – Sunday, April 3rd. The Championship will be hosted by the Semiamhoo Fish and Game Club. Registration, practice and equipment check will take place on Friday, April 1st. The Championship will take place on the Saturday and Sunday, April 2nd and 3rd. The closing ceremony will take place late afternoon on Sunday, April 3rd.
Both Archery Canada and the Host Organizing Committee (HOC) of the Semiamhoo Fish and Game Club, provide coverage of expenses incurred by the Members of the Officials Team.
Archery Canada covers the following: i) daily per diem at a rate of $45.00; and ii) travel to and from the host city (air travel or ground transportation). Air travel is the cost of an Air Canada Tango class or equivalent priced class of ticket with other airlines such as WestJet, Porter. For those that travel by car, Archery Canada provides a reimbursement rate of $0.35 per kilometre to a maximum equal to the above described airline ticket cost. It is the lesser amount of the two (ground or air transport) that is reimbursed by Archery Canada.
The HOC covers the following: i) accommodation (based on double occupancy)*; and ii) ground transportation to and from the hotel and the competition venue.
* Judges who want private rooms, are responsible for paying the additional charges.
Minimum desired level of judges: National Judge Candidate
Note: With the recommendation of a judge applicant’s province/territory, a Provincial / Territorial Level Judge will be considered as a potential 3D National Judge Candidate by Archery Canada’s Judges Committee.
All interested judges must complete the application form below and email it directly to Bob Pannell, Chairperson of the Judges Committee at < by FRIDAY, JANUARY 15th 2016.
Judge Application for the
2016 Canadian 3D INDOOR Archery Championship
Cloverdale Agriplex Complex
Surrey, British Columbia
Friday – Sunday, April 1st – 3rd 2016
Judge Name: ___________________________________________Date:_________________
Address: __________________________________City: ____________________
Province: ____________________ Postal Code: ______________________
E-mail address: ____________________________________________________
Telephone: Home______________________ Work_________________________
Current judge status: ______________________ Year judge status received: ___________
Signature _________________________________________Date_____________________
6. New Canadian Championship (CC) and Canadian Open (CO) Records
Master Women’s Recurve: Gayle Caudle, Truro, NS in a 720 round with a score of 580. 2015-09-20
Christiane Murphy
Canadian Records Coordinator
It is that time of year again when Archery Canada recognizes those Archery Canada volunteers and athletes making an outstanding contribution to archery at the national and/or international level. The Archery Canada Awards will be announced and presented at the 2016 Canadian Outdoor Championships awards banquet in Peterborough, Ontario.
The list of Archery Canada Awards is provided below. A listing of the 2014 recipients (awarded at the 2015 awards banquet) is available on the Archery Canada website at:
The nomination form is provided below and is also available on the forms page of the Archery Canada website at:
Please email, fax or mail your nomination form(s) to Scott Ogilvie, Executive Director, care of the Archery Canada national office NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th 2016.
Email Address:
Fax Number: 613-260-2114
Mailing Address: Archery Canada National Office, 2255 St. Laurent Blvd., Suite 108, Ottawa, ON K1G 4K3
D.M. Lovo Award
• Outstanding contribution to the sport of archery in Canada
The Greg Durward Volunteer of the Year Award
• A significant contribution to the development of archery in Canada
• An active volunteer on at least 2 levels of the archery network (NSO &/or PSO &/or club)
Hank Wiseman Coach of the Year Award
• Minimum level 2 technical and practical certification
• Coach demonstrates athlete development principles, fair play and sportsmanship
• Coaches at least 1 Squad athlete
• Exemplifies dedication to coaching by promoting coaching certification
Frank Jones Male Athlete of the Year Award
• A member of the National Team
• Demonstrates excellence in archery performance by exemplifying the characteristics of fair play, good sportsmanship, superior performance in major competitions and a commitment to training
Dorothy Lidstone Female Athlete of the Year Award
• A member of the National Team
• Demonstrates excellence in archery performance by exemplifying the characteristics fair play, good sportsmanship, superior performance in major competitions and a commitment to training
Tom Mack Junior Athlete of the Year Award
• A member of the Junior/Youth National Team
• Demonstrates excellence in archery performance by exemplifying the characteristics fair play, good sportsmanship, superior performance in competitions and a commitment to training
Female Junior Athlete of the Year
• A member of the Junior/Youth National Team
• Demonstrates excellence in archery performance by exemplifying the characteristics fair play, good sportsmanship, superior performance in competitions and a commitment to training
Sylvio Beauregard Judge of the Year Award
• Minimum provincial level Judge status
• Judges, athlete development principles, fair play and sportsmanship
• Exemplifies dedication to judging by promoting judge certification
Please note that these are national awards, pertaining to those Archery Canada volunteers and athletes making outstanding contribution to archery at the national and/or international level. All awards are not necessarily awarded each year. Read the definition of each award and minimum requirements BEFORE completing this form.
1. NAME OF AWARD (circle one)
– D.M. Lovo Award
– The Greg Durward Volunteer of the Year Award
– Hank Wiseman Coach of the Year Award
– Frank Jones Male Athlete of the Year Award
– Dorothy Lidstone Female Athlete of the Year
– Tom Mack Junior Athlete of the Year
– Female Junior Athlete of the Year
– Sylvio Beauregard Judge of the Year Award
A) Describe the nominee’s role Archery Canada – related activities and/or programs that relate directly to the definition of the Archery Canada Annual Award selected above in the last calendar year (except D. M. Lovo Award). Minimum of 25 words.
B) If nominating for the D. M. Lovo Award, describe in detail the person’s long-term commitment to the Archery Canada. Minimum 100 words.
C) If nominating for the Judge of the Year Award, list certification and judge-specific activities.
D) If nominating for the Coach of the Year Award, list certification and coach-specific activities.
E) If nominating for any athlete of the year awards, list specific accomplishments, rankings, and medals won at the national and international levels only.
Please email, fax or mail your nomination form(s) to Scott Ogilvie, Executive Director, care of the Archery Canada national office NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20th 2016.
Email Address:
Fax Number: 613-260-2114
Mailing Address: Archery Canada, 2255 St. Laurent Blvd., Suite 108, Ottawa, ON K1G 4K3
8. 2016 Archery Canada MICA Tournament
The 2016 Multi-Sites Indoor Championships of the Americas (MICA) will be held from January 1st through April 30th 2016.
Registration for host clubs MUST be submitted before December 31, 2015
For more information on the 2016 MICA Tournament, visit the Archery Canada website at:;view=article&id=954:mica-tournament-information&catid=50:tournament-information&Itemid=189
If you have any questions, please contact the, Canadian MICA Coordinator, Lynne Durward at:
9. 2016 Canadian Indoor Regional Championship
The 2016 Canadian Indoor Regional Championship will be held the first full weekend in March – 4th through 6th.
Registration for host clubs is now open for 2016. Registration MUST be submitted before February 14th 2016.
For more information, visit the Archery Canada website at:
The site also contains downloadable forms and scorecards created for the event.
If you have any questions, please contact the Regional Indoor Coordinator, Al Wills at: