Archery Canada News – October 26, 2015

- New Canadian Championship (CC) and Canadian Open (CO) Records
- Archery Canada Annual Awards: Call for 2015 Nominations
- 2016 World Archery Indoor Championship: Team Selection Criteria
- Athlete Director for Archery Canada
- Pilla Performance Eyewear: Sponsor & Official Eyewear Provider for Archery Canada
- Christiane Murphy Awarded the World Archery Judge Outstanding Service Award
- WADA Publishes 2016 Prohibited List
- Coach Certification Announcement: Completion of NCCP Competency Based Standards
- Birth Announcement: Cora Shirley Tataryn
- Birth Announcement: Levon Robert Wills
- Call to Host 2016 Canadian 3D Indoor Championship
New Canadian Championship (CC) and Canadian Open (CO) Records
Cub Girl’s Compound: Emerie Watson, Quesnel, BC in a Field round with a score of 395 (CC-CO) 2015-08-05
Junior Men’s Compound: Colton Gustafson, Athabasca, AB in a Field round with a score of 399 (CC-CO). 2015-08-05
Senior Men’s Compound Unlimited: Cody Draper, Battleford, SK in a Field round with a score of 381 (CC). 2015-08-05
Senior Women’s Compound: Sonia Schina, Coquitlam, BC in a Field round with a score of 381 (CC-CO). 2015-08-05
Senior Women’s Compound Unlimited: Raquel Hepp, Battleford, SK in a Field round with a tie-score of 304 (CC-CO). 2015-08-05
Senior Women’s Compound Fixed Pins: Karlie Cleave, Moose Jaw, SK in a Field round with a score of 298 (CC-CO). 2015-08-05
Master Men’s Compound Unlimited: Dean Thornton, Calgary AB in a Field round with a score of 357 (CC-CO). 2015-08-05
Master Men’s Barebow: Raymond Neumeyer, Nobleford, AB in a Field round with a score of 246 (CC-CO). 2015-08-05
Cub Girl’s Recurve: Brody Wilson, Birtle, MB in a Field round with a score of 341 (CC-CO). 2015-08-05
Cub Girl’s Compound: Emerie Watson, Quesnel, BC in a 720 round with a score of 667 (CC). 2015-08-07
Cadet Women’s Compound: Kaitlyn Horlock, Ajax, ON in a 720 round with a score of 659 (CC). 2015-08-07
Junior Women’s Compound: Madison Hart, Regina, SK in a 720 round with a score of 665 (CC). 2015-08-07
Senior Men’s Compound Fixed Pins: Cole French, Oshawa, ON in a 720 round with a score of 652 (CC). 2015-08-07
Senior Men’s Compound Unlimited: Cody Draper, Battleford, SK in a 720 round with a score of 668 (CC). 2015-08-07
Senior Women’s Compound Unlimited: Raquel Hepp, Battleford, SK in a 720 round with a score of 568 (CC-CO). 2015-08-07
Master Men’s Compound: Rudy Jampen, Hestermere, AB in a 720 round with a score of 689 (CC). 2015-08-07
Master Men’s Compound Unlimited: Dean Thornton, Calgary, AB. in a 720 round with a score of 631 (CC). 2015-08-07
Junior Men’s Recurve: Corner Sorley, Saskatoon, SK in a 720 round with a score of 619 (CC). 2015-08-07
Senior Men’s Compound Fixed Pins: Cole French, Oshawa, ON in a 720 round with a score of 675 (CO). 2015-07-25
Master Men’s Compound Unlimited: Gilles Poulin, Kitchener, ON in a 720 round with a score of 669 (CO). 2015-08-23
Senior Men’s Compound Unlimited: Gilles Poulin, Kitchener, ON in a 720 round with a tie-score of 669 (CO). 2015-08-23
Junior Women’s Compound: Darby Dean, Kimberley, BC in a 720 round with a score of 685 (CO). 2015- 06-14
Cadet Men’s Compound: Tristan Moran, Prince Albert, SK in a 720 round with a score of 696 (CO). 2015-07-29
Master Women’s Barebow: Angela Foley, Surrey, BC in a 720 round with a score of 381 (CO). 2015-08-30
Master Women’s Barebow: Angela Foley, Surrey, BC in a CDN 1200 round with a score of 162 at 60m. 2015-08-22
Cub Girl’s Compound: Emerie Watson, Quesnel, BC in a CDN 1200 round with a score of 292 at 40m, 299 at 30m, 300-25x at 20m and a total score of 1168. 2015-09-05
Master 60+ Women’s Compound: Carmen Malouin, Lac St-Charles, QC in a 720 round for compound with a score of 625. 2015-09-05
Master Women’s Barebow: Angela Foley, Surrey, BC in a CDN 900 round with a score of 240 at 35m. 2015-09-27
Master Women’s Barebow: Linda Price, Maple Ridge, BC in a CDN 1200 round with a score of 183 at 60m and a total score of 894. 2015-09-05
Master Women’s Barebow: Linda Price, Maple Ridge, BC in a 720 round with a score of 445. 2015-09-26
Master 60+ Men’s Compound: Rick Scammell, Coquitlam, BC in a CDN 1200 round with a score of 286 at 60m. and 296 at 50m. 2015-08-22
Master 60+ Men’s Compound: Rick Scammell, Coquitlam, BC in a CDN 1200 round with a score of 280 at 70m and a tie-298 at 40m. 2015-09-05
Master Men’s Compound Fixed Pins: Gilles Poulin, Kitchener, ON in a 720 round with a score of 670. 2015-07-12
Senior Men’s Recurve: Crispin Duenas, Scarborough, ON in a 720 round with a score of 685. 2015-09-15
Congratulations to all!
Christiane Murphy
Canadian Records Coordinator
2. Archery Canada Annual Awards: Call for 2015 Nominations
It is that time of year again when Archery Canada recognizes those Archery Canada volunteers and athletes making an outstanding contribution to archery at the national and/or international level. The Archery Canada Awards will be announced and presented at the 2016 Canadian Outdoor Championships Awards Banquet in Peterborough, Ontario next August. The list of Archery Canada Awards is provided below. A listing of the recipients for outstanding achievement in 2014 and awarded at the 2015 awards banquet in Winnipeg, is available on the Archery Canada website at:
The nomination form is provided below and is also available on the forms page of the Archery Canada website.
Please email, fax or mail your nomination form(s) to Scott Ogilvie, Executive Director NO LATER THAN MONDAY, JANUARY 18th 2016.
Email Address:
Fax Number: 613-260-2114
Mailing Address: Archery Canada National Office
2255 St. Laurent Blvd., Suite 108
Ottawa, ON K1G 4K3
D.M. Lovo Award
• Outstanding contribution to the sport of archery in Canada
The Greg Durward Volunteer of the Year Award
• A significant contribution to the development of archery in Canada
• An active volunteer on at least 2 levels of the archery network (NSO &/or PSO &/or club)
Hank Wiseman Coach of the Year Award
• Minimum level 2 technical and practical certification
• Coach demonstrates athlete development principles, fair play and sportsmanship
• Coaches at least 1 Squad athlete
• Exemplifies dedication to coaching by promoting coaching certification
Frank Jones Male Athlete of the Year Award
• A member of the National Team
• Demonstrates excellence in archery performance by exemplifying the characteristics of fair play, good sportsmanship, superior performance in major competitions and a commitment to training
Dorothy Lidstone Female Athlete of the Year Award
• A member of the National Team
• Demonstrates excellence in archery performance by exemplifying the characteristics fair play, good sportsmanship, superior performance in major competitions and a commitment to training
Tom Mack Junior Athlete of the Year Award
• A member of the Junior/Youth National Team
• Demonstrates excellence in archery performance by exemplifying the characteristics fair play, good sportsmanship, superior performance in competitions and a commitment to training
Female Junior Athlete of the Year
• A member of the Junior/Youth National Team
• Demonstrates excellence in archery performance by exemplifying the characteristics fair play, good sportsmanship, superior performance in competitions and a commitment to training
Sylvio Beauregard Judge of the Year Award
• Minimum provincial level Judge status
• Judges, athlete development principles, fair play and sportsmanship
• Exemplifies dedication to judging by promoting judge certification
Please note that these are national awards, pertaining to those Archery Canada volunteers and athletes making outstanding contribution to archery at the national and/or international level. All awards are not necessarily awarded each year. Read the definition of each award and minimum requirements BEFORE completing this form.
1. NAME OF AWARD (circle one)
– D.M. Lovo Award
– The Greg Durward Volunteer of the Year Award
– Hank Wiseman Coach of the Year Award
– Frank Jones Male Athlete of the Year Award
– Dorothy Lidstone Female Athlete of the Year
– Tom Mack Junior Athlete of the Year
– Female Junior Athlete of the Year
– Sylvio Beauregard Judge of the Year Award
A) Describe the nominee’s role Archery Canada -related activities and/or programs that relate directly to the definition of the Archery Canada Annual Award selected above in the last calendar year (except D. M. Lovo Award). (minimum 25 words)
B) If nominating for the D. M. Lovo Award, describe in detail the person’s long-term commitment to the Archery Canada. (minimum 100 words)
C) If nominating for the Judge of the Year Award, list certification and judge-specific activities
D) If nominating for the Coach of the Year Award, list certification and coach-specific activities
E) If nominating for any athlete of the year awards, list specific accomplishments, rankings, and medals won at the national and international levels only.
Please email, fax or mail your nomination form(s) to Scott Ogilvie, Executive Director NO LATER THAN MONDAY, JANUARY 18th 2016.
Email Address:
Fax Number: 613-260-2114
Mailing Address: Archery Canada National Office
2255 St. Laurent Blvd., Suite 108
Ottawa, ON K1G 4K3
3. 2016 World Archery Indoor Championship: Team Selection Criteria
Archery Canada’s team selection criteria for the 2016 World Archery Indoor Championship is posted on the Archery Canada website .
Conditions for selection:
- A completed Declaration of Interest must be sent to Marc Gagnon before midnight November 29, 2015 at
- A deposit of 60% of accommodation costs must be sent to Archery Canada before Midnight December 1, 2015. Accommodation costs are estimated at $1900 for a double room and $2600 for a single room. Archers not selected will be reimbursed.
The 2016 World Indoor Championships will take place in Ankara, Turkey, from March 1st to 6th.
4. Athlete Director for Archery Canada
Archery Canada is pleased to announce that as of the 2015 AGM held this past August in Winnipeg, Tricia Oshiro has assumed the position of Athlete Director on the Board of Directors.
In her role as Athlete Director, Tricia will also serve as the able-bodied Athletes’ Representative on the High Performance Committee (HPC). She has already participated in a couple of recent HPC meetings, including the HPC meeting held on October 3-4 in Winnipeg.
Tricia is a compound athlete from Calgary, Alberta who has been competing since 2010. Her responsibilities as the Athlete Director include:
– Liaison and communication with athletes and their coaches, the Board of Directors, HPC members, the Executive Director, and the Provincial/Territorial Archery Associations;
– Representation of and serving the interests of athletes at the Board level and the HPC; and
– Contribution to the development, monitoring and implementation of the high performance strategic plan.
“We are very pleased to have Tricia join us on the Board of Directors and the High Performance Committee”, said Alec Denys, Vice-President of High Performance and Chair of the HPC. “Tricia brings a breadth of expertise and experience to the position. We look forward to her contribution to the development of our high performance system and programs.”
Tricia replaces Hugh MacDonald, who held the position for several terms. Archery Canada extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to Hugh for his lengthy service as the Athlete Director.
Please join us in welcoming Tricia to the Archery Canada family. Feel free to contact Tricia at:
5. Pilla Performance Eyewear: Sponsor & Official Eyewear Provider for Archery Canada
Archery Canada is pleased to announce its newest sponsor and official eyewear provider, Pilla Performance Eyewear. For details, see the information provided below:
- Pilla will offer a 20% discount on all Pilla products to all Archery Canada Squad members and administration staff for personal use, not resale. This includes ALL eyewear lines.
- Please send Murray Peacock an email ("> for the 20% discount code.
- Please go to for pricing to see ALL Pilla products. Shipping is a flat rate of $11.99 (insured and signature required). This is only valid on the Canadian website and subject to product availability.
- Any warranty registration and work will be done by Pilla Inc. USA –
- For more information on the Archery Series, visit:
- If you require a prescription insert for the eyewear, you can purchase a Blanco (clear lens) insert and then go to your authorized optician / optometrist to fill and confirm the prescription.
- If squads are going to international shoots, Pilla recommends that those using Pilla products, carry at least 1 spare pair of arms, lens (Panther, Outlaw X6A/X7A, lanyards, especially 35DC’s) as it can be difficult to deliver something quickly, especially where Pilla does not have a local presence.
- Pilla is the OFFICIAL Sports Eyewear for World Archery –
6. Christiane Murphy Awarded the World Archery Judge Outstanding Service Award
World Archery recently announced that Christiane Murphy has been awarded the World Archery Judge Outstanding Service Award. The award was presented to Christiane in recognition of her commitment with honour as an International Judge. The award also serves as a thank you for Christiane’s many years of service as an International Judge.
Archery Canada extends sincere and heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Christiane for her committed volunteer service as an International Judge.
7. WADA Publishes 2016 Prohibited List
The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport (CCES) would like to alert the Canadian sport community that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has published the 2016 Prohibited List. The List will come into effect on January 1, 2016.
The 2016 Prohibited List, the Summary of Modifications, and the Monitoring Program are now available for download on WADA’s website in English and French.
There are very few changes to the 2016 List: the only additions are in the category S4, Hormone and Metabolic Modulators. “Insulin-mimetics were added to include all insulin-receptor agonists, and meldonium (mildronate) was added because of evidence of its use by athletes with the intention of enhancing performance.”
The List is an international standard identifying substances and methods prohibited in sport. It was first published in 1963 by the International Olympic Committee. Since 2004, WADA has been responsible for the preparation and publication of the List, which it updates every year.
Athletes can find out if their medications are prohibited using the following CCES resources, all of which will be updated on January 1, 2016, to reflect the new List.
- Global DRO (
- CCES Athlete Zone (
- Email">
- Info Line: 1-800-672-7775
Athletes can apply for a medical exemption if they are prescribed a prohibited medication for the treatment of an illness or condition. The CCES Medical Exemption Wizard ( can help athletes find out if they need to apply for an exemption, what to include in the application, and where to submit it.
Further reading:
- CCES Prohibited List web page (
- World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List web page (
The CCES is an independent, national, not-for profit organization with a responsibility to administer the CADP. We recognize that true sport can make a great difference for individuals, communities and our country. We are committed to working collaboratively to activate a values-based and principle-driven sport system; protecting the integrity of sport from the negative forces of doping and other unethical threats; and advocating for sport that is fair, safe and open to everyone.
8. Coach Certification Announcement: Completion of NCCP Competency Based Standards
Archery Canada is pleased to announce the completion of the transition process for the Instructor/Coach Training in the Instruction and Competition Streams of its National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) has confirmed that all Archery Canada instructor/ coach certification training complies with the CAC’s NCCP competency based standards.
The Competition Development context is the most recent and last requirement for Archery Canada to complete the transition. Archery Canada's approved NCCP programs are now available through its member Archery Provincial / Territorial Sport Organizations (PSO / TSO). Coach pathways leading to certification in all the contexts are available on the Archery Canada website under the tab of Coaching Certification .
Bruce Savage
Chair, Coaching Certification Committee
9. Birth Announcement: Cora Shirley Tataryn
High Performance Compound athlete Kevin Tataryn and his wife Chelsea recently had their first child, Cora Shirley. Congratulations to Kevin and Chelsea! And a warm welcome to Cora!
10. Birth Announcement: Levon Robert Wills
President, Al Wills and his wife Mary are pleased to announce the arrival of their second grandchild – Levon Robert Wills. Levon was born October 24th and weighed in at 8 pounds, 4 ounces. Congratulations to the Wills family! And a warm welcome to Levon!
11. Call to Host 2016 Canadian 3D Indoor Championship
Archery Canada is issuing a call for an Archery Canada member club to host the 2016 Canadian 3D Indoor Championship. For more information on what is required to host the 3D Indoor Championship, please review the Canadian 3D Championship HOSTING MANUAL (see the attached or visit the Archery Canada website at: ).
Please note that the preferred date of the Canadian 3D Indoor Championship is Easter Weekend. The 2016 Easter Weekend falls on Friday – Monday, March 25th – 28th.
All bids to host are due Friday, November 13th 2015 and are to be submitted to the Archery Canada national office, attention Scott Ogilvie, Executive Director.
If you have any questions, please contact Jude Hooey at <"> >.