Job Posting: Executive Director, Archery Canada

Archery Canada is seeking to fill the position of Executive Director. Job details are as follows
Location: Ottawa, Ontario
Type of Position: Full-time
Employment Type: Employee
Salary Range: $65,000 – $75,000
Start Date: Monday, March 27, 2017
Application Deadline: Friday, January 13, 2017
Questions/Email Application (cover letter & resumé) to:
Hiring Committee
Att’n: Mr. Allan Wills
President, Archery Canada
Position Description: See below
Archery Canada Executive Director
Position Description
Archery Canada (AC) is the National Sport Organization for Archery in Canada. As such, it is the organization for all organized archery activities in Canada from novice to the Olympic/Paralympic Games and World Championships. Archery Canada is comprised of members consisting of Canadian Provinces and Territories. Archery Canada has a membership of approximately 10,000 and an annual budget of approximately $600,000. It currently has a national office staff of two full-time and one part-time employee and two part-time high performance contractees (off-site).
Executive Director:
The Executive Director is the senior staff member for the Association and looks after the day-to-day business of the Association. The incumbent will have:
- Excellent communication skills both written and oral;
- Excellent management skills, re., human resources, fiscal resources, and programs;
- Excellent organizational skills, re., setting priorities, directing volunteers and committees;
- Superior problem-solving and issue management skills;
- Ability to work independently and meet short deadlines;
- Superior tact and judgement and strong ability to work with diverse partners and clients;
- Ability to develop concise, compelling reports and grant/funding applications;
- Superior negotiating skills to develop and implement legal agreements with members, governments and individuals;
- Well-developed skills to assess, monitor, evaluate & revise policy & program implementation; and
- Fluency in English is essential. Functional ability to speak and write in French is an asset.
Scope of Responsibility
The Executive Director of Archery Canada (AC) is responsible and/or provides oversight for:
- Administration
- Financial projects, planning, accounting, quarterly reporting and regular contact with the auditor;
- Submission of funding requests to Sport Canada, OTP, CAC, COC, CPC and other agencies as required;
- Membership program database, accounting and reporting;
- Marketing initiatives, initiation and maintenance of relationship with existing sponsors;
- Ongoing communications with national and provincial/territorial staff/volunteer representatives;
- Preparation of the AC annual report and coordination of its production and communication;
- Meeting coordination, minute production and distribution of same for all AC committees; and
- Point person for media inquiries.
- Technical Areas
- High performance program;
- Archer development program;
- Coach certification program;
- Judge certification program;
- Accounting, budget projection, corporate issues, marketing, membership specific to indoor and outdoor Canadian Championships, Indoor/Outdoor Mailmatch Program results, publication of results, and coordination of Canadian Championship medal production and distribution; and
- Support to international and Canadian events, competitions and multi-sport games, including Olympics/Paralympics, Canadian Championships, Canada Winter Games, Invictus Games.
The Executive Director is responsible for working with the volunteers of AC committees, P/TSO's and AC Registrants to develop, coordinate, implement and evaluate programs related to governance, high performance, athletes, coaching, judging, rules, hosting, marketing and other national events/projects that may arise from time-to-time.
The Executive Director is an ad hoc member of the Board, High Performance, 3D Archery, Coaching, Judging, National Championship Host committees and other committees as assigned by the President.
The Executive Director shall liaise with other organizations in support of Association activities and perform other tasks required in relation to fiscal responsibility, corporate and marketing matters, high performance, coaching, judging and national events.
The Executive Director has sufficient authority to act in the daily management of job responsibilities according to current policies, programs and budget. Beyond these limits, the Executive Director is expected to seek advice in matters where the level of authority or responsibility is not clear, and is required to have decisions approved by the President. The Executive Director's work is evaluated on an annual basis by the Board of Directors (with input from Committee Chairs and other national volunteers where deemed appropriate by the President).
The Executive Director is recognized as an expert in the field of sport in general. The Executive Director can be asked to perform other tasks related to the job description, as stipulated in the annual work plans, or designated by the AC President.
The Executive Director reports directly to the President and will submit an agreed upon set of work priorities and tasks. The Executive Director shall keep a dynamic task list outlining current and ongoing tasks updated monthly. These work task lists shall include the hours of operation of the national office on a week-to-week basis.
The Executive Director may be required to attend any or all meetings of the Board, AGM, Provincial/Territorial Members Council. Reports of activities shall be submitted for all such meetings.
Work Priorities
The Executive Director’s work priorities are (in decreasing order of priority):
- Fiscal security of AC;
- Planning;
- Service to all AC Committees through their chairpersons;
- Service to AC member P/TSO directors;
- Administrative tasks;
- Communication with AC/P/TSO volunteers, AC members, Local, Provincial, National, International and private agencies in support of Federation activities;
- Implementation of AC programs related to the Board, High Performance Committee, 3D Archery Committee, Coaching Committee, Judges Committee and national events; and
- Increasing membership numbers.
Roles & Responsibilities
- Administration
- Assist the Board of Directors in the implementation of the strategic plan;
- Maintain corporate security and liaise with appropriate government departments and agencies;
- Keep current quadrennial plan, AC policies and procedures; communicate changes to the Board; provide input and guidance in Federation planning and implementation;
- Assist in Developing & monitor overall AC administrative and programmes budgets;
- Liaise with governments and private agencies regarding financial issues and reporting;
- Responsible for regular deposits and cheque runs every two weeks and reconciliation of the books monthly;
- Produce quarterly financial statements to the Board;
- Produce annual audited statements and produce reports for the Annual General Meeting;
- Assist in the development of Sport Canada, CAC & COC Applications for Contributions;
- Co-ordinate travel & accommodation arrangements for, and develop agenda & minutes for AGM, Board, HPC ACC and 3D meetings;
- Work with provincial membership chairpersons to keep database current and memberships paid in full, reporting same to President on a monthly basis, and to insurance broker every quarter
- Communicate monthly with clubs and volunteers through electronic means;
- provide a communication centre among and between volunteers at all levels and outside agencies when appropriate;
- update and maintain annual Volunteer Directory and promote ACregistrant benefits;
- Create and maintain good working relationships with corporate and individual sponsors;
- Suggest creative means for increasing revenues and registrant numbers;
- Monitor activities and fiscal responsibilities of all AC committee members;
- Ensure follow-up of duties and actions of volunteers arising from meeting minutes;
- Handle all incoming information in all its forms and disseminate to appropriate volunteers and
- Assist in the negotiation and monitoring of the 3 year agreements between AC and the P/TSO members.
b) Archer Development
- Provide leadership for and promote the Long Term Athlete Development model and principles; implementation for both able-bodied archers and para-archers;
- Should they be approved for future years, assist the High Performance Advisor and National Coaches, as required;
- Assist the P/TSO’s in coaching development and coach continuing education;
- Serve as an advisor to the 3D Archery & High Performance committees to implement and accomplish the AC strategic plan priorities as they relate to archer development;
- Work with coaches of high performance athletes to ensure athletes continue progressing;
- Assist the High Performance Committee to develop and implement event selection procedures, also in collaboration with other organizations in support of international events participation such as the COC and the CPC; and international archery bodies (World Archery (WA), World Archery Americas (WAA), International Paralympic Committee and others, as required;
- Assist the appointed Team Leaders and Coaches to the National Teams in registration, team uniform, team travel and accommodation;
- Assist the High Performance Para-Archery Coordinator to develop, implement and promote archery for persons with a disability. Assist with national team matters such as: selection, registration, team uniform, team travel and accommodation. Collaborate with other organizations in support of international events participation (CPC, CWSA, Soldier On, etc.), and international archery bodies (World Archery, World Archery Americas, IPC, etc);
- Liaise with other organizations in support of the operations of the high performance program;
- Assist the AC Records Coordinator in the updating of the list of Canadian records and congratulation communications;
- Assist the volunteer in charge of the delivery of World Archery awards;
- Other activities that contribute to athlete/coaches development; and
- Other duties and activities as delegated by the President.
- Coaching Development
- Assist the AC Coach Committee Chairperson to liaise with Provincial/Territorial Coaching Coordinators;
- Assist the Coach Committee Chairperson in the direction, planning and coordination of AC’s National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP);
- Serve as an advisor to the Coach Committee to implement and accomplish the strategic plan priorities as they relate to coaching development;
- Liaise with the Coaching Association of Canada on the operations of the coaching development program and budget matters;
- Assist the Coach Committee Chairperson to keep technical and master learning facilitator manuals, and related teaching aids current; and
- Coordinate travel and accommodations for international coaching development events.
d) Judge Development
- Serve as an advisor to the Judge Committee to implement and accomplish the strategic plan priorities as they relate to judge development;
- Ensure the appropriate travel and logistical arrangements are made for Canadian judges appointed to officiate at national and international events;
- Assist the Judge Committee Chairperson to keep certification records and upgrading current;
- Assist in the implementation of Judge Committee activities and communication; and
- Assist volunteers to produce and publish AC rulebook every two years.
- Competitions & Events
- Serve as an advisor to the V-P Development and Canadian Championship Host Committees for running efficient and successful championships, team selection trials and Mailmatch Programs;
- Ensure host committee contracts are signed and adhered to according to current hosting manuals;
- On behalf of volunteers, liaise with international, national organizations and WA / WAA and disseminate information; and
- Assist team management to ensure that appropriate financial, travel and logistical arrangements are made for Canadian athletes attending designated international events.