Call for Applications of Judges for 2017 Canadian 3D Outdoor Championship

Call for Applications of Judges for 2017 Canadian Outdoor 3D Championship @ Amos, Québec
(3D Championship: Friday, August 4th – Monday, August 7th)
OFFICIALS TEAM (comprised of 4 judges for 3D Championship)
Bob Pannell, Chair of Archery Canada’s Judge Committee, is now accepting applications from qualified judges wishing to officiate at Archery Canada’s 2017 Canadian Outdoor 3D Championship. The 3D Championship will take place Friday, August 4th – Monday, August 7th at Amos, Québec (exact location to be confirmed). The 3D Championship will be hosted by Les Archers d'Amos.
The website for the Canadian 3D Championship will be ‘live’ in the near future.
All judge applicants will be considered, based not only on experience, but also from the perspective of the development of Canadian archery. The minimum desired level of judges is National Judge Candidate.
Note: With the recommendation of a judge applicant’s province/territory, a Provincial/Territorial Judge will be considered a National Judge Candidate by the Judge Committee.
Archery Canada covers the following judge expenses: i) daily per diem at a rate of $45.00 (the following rates will be used: $10/breakfast $12/lunch, $23/dinner); and ii) travel to and from the host city (air travel or ground transportation). Air travel is the cost of an Air Canada Tango class or equivalent priced class of ticket with other airlines such as West Jet, Porter. For those that travel by car, Archery Canada provides a reimbursement rate of $0.35 per kilometre to a maximum equal to the above described airline ticket cost. It is the lesser amount of the two (ground or air transport) that is reimbursed by Archery Canada.
The Host Organizing Committee (HOC) covers the following judge (Officials Team) expenses:
i) accommodation (based on double occupancy); ii) ground transportation to and from the hotel and the competition venue; and iii) one (1) banquet ticket per judge. Judges that want private rooms, are responsible for paying the additional charges.
Please note that Archery Canada does not cover expenses for the National Candidates who are not members of the Officials Teams (which is comprised of 4 judges for the 3D Championship). Therefore, please ask your provincial/territorial archery association for financial assistance to help cover your costs. The Chair of the Archery Canada Judge Committee, Bob Pannell, will send the names of the Officials Team to the Archery Canada Board of Directors by mid-March 2017, for its approval. Judges will then be notified by Bob.
Applications: All interested judges must complete the application form below and email it directly to Bob Pannell, Chairperson of the Judge Committee at: .
The deadline for applications is Monday, February 27th 2017.
Call for Applications of Judges for 2017 Canadian Outdoor 3D Championship @ Amos, Québec
(3D Championship: Friday, August 4th – Monday, August 7th)
I am interested in judging at the 3D Canadian Championship _______. (Yes/No)
I am a new National Judge Candidate _______________
Judge Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________________
Address: _______________________________________ City: _____________________
Province: ________________________ Postal Code: _____________________
E-mail: ________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: Home: ___________________________ Work: ____________________________
Current Judge status: __________________________ Year judge status received: __________
Are you progressing toward a higher certification level? Yes / No (Circle)
If yes, which one? __________________________________________________
Signature _________________________________________Date_____________________
Financial Support
Do you have provincial/territorial financial support to participate at the Nationals? Yes / No
Comments: _______________________________________________________________________
Are you currently involved as a judge at the provincial/territorial _______ or national level ________?
Check one or both
If yes, what position(s) do you hold: Other Comments: _____________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________